Yes, dog food does fly

During the fall of 2023, we had the honor of working with Petgood, an innovative brand pioneering insect-based dog and cat food. Our main goal was to creatively communicate what sets Petgood apart from its competitors, and why insects are a much better alternative to traditional pet food. To achieve this, we employed a multi-faceted approach that included designing eye-catching billboards, spreading the word through traditional media, and hosting an influencer event.

On December 4th the billboard campaign went live with the slogan “Yes, dog food does fly” in several subway stations in Stockholm. Needless to say, the dog model Florens became a celebrity overnight. Petgood was also featured in leadership, industry, and lifestyle media.

In collaboration with Klara Doktorow, we organized an exclusive influencer lunch at Bleck. To make a lasting impression on our guests, the event had a distinct dog and cat theme, featuring four-legged guests on the list, meals served in dog bowls, and table placements adorned with pictures of the guests’ dogs and cats. In total, the event attracted 15 prominent influencers along with their dogs, and of course, the cat Bruce. The event resulted in a total reach of 710 900 followers on Instagram.