Juno was tasked with a brief aimed at enhancing the prominence of pet insurance company Lassie and solidifying their position as the preferred solution for pet owners dedicated to offering their pets the highest level of care. The central challenge involved effectively communicating Lassie’s commitment to facilitating an optimal quality of life for cats and dogs.

As a backdrop to this project, Sweden hosts approximately 400,000 individuals struggling with material and social poverty. Many of these individuals find their joy and companionship through the presence of their pets. These animal companions play a vital role in helping people cope with the difficulties caused by uncertain finances and periods of loneliness. However, the financial limitations often compels individuals to place a lower priority on veterinary visits and pet insurance.

In response to these pressing concerns, Lassie, launched the initiative Tassfonden. Tassfonden aims to offer a lifeline to dog and cat owners who find themselves unable to afford insurance coverage for their beloved four-legged family members. Recipients of this support gain access to Lassie’s Mini insurance product, which covers veterinary expenses up to 30,000 SEK, ensuring that even those facing financial limitations can provide the necessary care for their pets. The launch of Tassfonden was met with an overwhelming response, as hundreds of applications poured in, indicating the width of the issue at hand. The project was mentioned in several traditional media outlets and influencers, such as Therése Lindgren and Linda-Marie Nilsson.

Among those benefiting from the insurance support is 31-year-old Johanna whose partner’s chronic kidney disease drastically altered their circumstances. Frequent hospital visits, dialysis sessions, and an unexpected loss of income became their new reality. Despite this challenging scenario, parting with their dogs was never an option for the couple. These loyal companions not only offer a break from the mentally demanding situation but also inspire Johanna and her partner to engage in outdoor activities. Most importantly, the dogs provide unwavering affection and a strong sense of security.

For Johanna, the turning point arrived when she encountered Tassfonden through influencer Therése Lindgren’s Instagram page and subsequently secured insurance support. This moment marked the release of a constant worry that had bothered her – the fear that her inability to afford veterinary care might jeopardize her dogs’ well-being. With the help of Tassfonden, Johanna’s worries were eased, highlighting how initiatives like this can significantly affect individuals and their beloved pets.

About Tassfonden

For every insurance policy sold, Lassie donates five SEK to Tassfonden. Those approved for support from the fund receive Lassie’s Mini insurance product for free every month, covering veterinary expenses up to 30,000 SEK.

You can contribute by purchasing Lassie’s mascot, with all proceeds from the sales going directly into the fund. You are also able to Swish any amount to 123 556 24 00. Anyone interested can apply for support through Tassfonden. Lassie reviews applications and conducts interviews to ensure that the support reaches those who genuinely need it. More information and application forms are available here.